Monday, September 26, 2011


Well it seems two of our own corp mates decided it would be a good investment to sneak into our cC3 wormhole and try to take all our ships and money while we were gone.. luckily i was still on when they came and ran off with my 1.5 Bil isk Legion and some of my sleeper loot... but they got the orca and numerous other ships as well a blowing up a billion Isk Carrier that they couldnt get out.. well those guys are going down!

Friday, January 28, 2011


ok so i logged in and the systems control % was down to 4% dropped to 0 soon after and the suppercarrier spawned ina  nearby system
all of us warped there fleeted up and went inheres was followed

"Liberation of Araz complete
Sent: 2011.01.28 21:10


Araz has been freed from the invading Sansha forces. Your efforts in this matter have not gone unnoticed and we are awarding you loyalty points. More details can be found in the Journal.

In addition, we wish to honor the following pilots, whose individual contribution exceeded everyone else:

1 StarbornFreerace 80496
2 Rykker 80496
3 Abbicus 80496
4 Dryder Teach 80496
5 DeiBeotch 72576
6 Xeromos 62480
7 Violetta Whipcracker 59184
8 Cygren 50244
9 MeGup 46799


finally killed it , didnt get the loot but got 63 mil iks and 14 000 concord loyalty points :D

Friday, October 29, 2010

Temperate Planet PI setup

here it is
extractors routed to spaceport then to factory and factory products routed back to spaceport 
no need for storage


OK so as i was writing the previous post and mining in the wormhole... I HEARD THE SOUND , THAT AWFUL DREADED SOUND, OF SHIPS LOCKING ONTO MY SHIPS,
AI LAT TABBED BACK to eve to find 2 battle cruisers,, a drake and a prophecy locking me...
i started trying to warp off and they launched 2 missiles volleys doing about 2.2k dmg to my covetor mining ship and brining me down to about 15% armor!
luckily i managed to warp off, with my drones HAHA before they could get me
i just warped to the nearest planet and then back into the pos!


Life in the Wormhole, Not too shabby!

So life in the wormhole has been pretty good lately!
we've been mining gravimetric sites with asteroids fields worth almost 300 mil each "(per site) as for the value of the sleeper anomalies, im not quite.Its also been pretty quiet around here except for a small attack on of our guys. His tech 3 cruiser was destroyed and he was also podded ( lost almost 1 billion ISK)
including 20 units of melted nano ribbons or something worth 5 mil each.
Its been pretty safe otherwise,
here are some screens to keep you busy!
Last known picture of the downed Tengu T3 ship

Back "Home"

MY capsule sitting next to the Drake 

The Hangar

Some of my artwork

More artwork
Sleeper Fight

Sleepers Ganging up on me

Killing Asteroids
OK thats it for this time, see you next time!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Giant Asteroid of spodumain!!

Ok this asteroid is fucking gigantic considering it has 70 000 units at 16m3 each!!

My covetor and the mining drones next to the roid!
The Mobile Lab :D

First Encounter with this Sleepers in The Wormhole

OK so today one fo the guys had found a new wormhole which led to a C1 system (class 1 ) containing some of the easiest sleepers sites. The sleepers are an ancient alien race and are much tougher enemies than the normal NPC's (non playing characters) that you find in K-space (known space).
Heres some shots from the fight!
Sleeper Turret Battery

Sleeper Cruiser

Sleeper Missile exploding on my ship

Sleeper lasers hitting hard with Energy vampire module

Pulling in the wrecks with my tractor beams and Salvaging
The stuff worth selling :D

Some of the Loot